Thursday, February 3, 2011

OMG I'm back!

It's been a while.  I have to post some photos up here soonish.  I got a costume done for Panty of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt.  I love the show and the character, and her personality suits me.

I had a freaking breakdown when CosplayWig sent me the wrong wig.  So some poor OhayoCon person got my wig and I got theirs.  BLECH. Ended up having to temporarily use a friend's wig and style it to the best of my ability.  I guess it came out alright. It premiered at the Wizard World New Orleans.  I think I had one or two people recognize me, most everyone else thought I was from Battlestar Galactica.  I didn't care. I really have to say that so far, Panty has been the most fun costume to wear.  

I am currently in the market for a job, so I haven't been able to do much.  Since I already have some material for other costumes, I will probably work on those until I have a job and can get materials for other costumes. Also have a prop commission to get started on.  That will come first.

I'll make a separate post from this about Wizard itself, with a little review and some stories.  Mmm, best stories.