So I have decided that I am no longer going to work on Starfighter until after Christmas. I *should* be getting a dressform for Christmas and I am just sick of wasting fabric.
I've run into a lot of design issues making this costume, and I feel at this point- It would go much easier after getting that form. hnnnnng I cannot wait to get that form.
I'm really hoping to have the costume complete by the end of January (Wizard World). I'll just have to work on it regularly for the month leading up to the con.
I've also reserved my room for Dragon*Con today! I am still awaiting my confirmation e-mail, and if I don't get it by the middle of next week, I am going to call them back. It's for a hotel that is just about to open up, so I figure their systems aren't all together yet. Still $115 a night for a hotel in downtown Atlanta with breakfast included! Hell to the yes! That is amazing considering most the other hos/overflown hotels are at least $150.
I am so excited about that trip!!!! It's going to be a crazy rush! Two cons in the same week! My local con- that I work for is the weekend before...and we leave for DragonCon the next Thursday! Weeeeew!